Tagged with politics

Malaysia’s New Targeted Diesel Subsidy Program: Economic Efficiency and Fairness

Malaysia’s New Targeted Diesel Subsidy Program: Economic Efficiency and Fairness

By- Dino Gombak The Prime Minister of Malaysia, Anwar Ibrahim, has revealed his intention to implement a focused diesel subsidy programme that would cater just to customers in Peninsular Malaysia. This move is part of a strategic move that aims to recalibrate the nation’s framework for subsidy programmes. By taking this courageous move, which reflects … Continue reading

Press freedom is an important part of Malaysia’s democracy

Press freedom is an important part of Malaysia’s democracy

By – Dino Gombak Every year on May 3, people around the world celebrate World Press Freedom Day. This day serves as a reminder of the basic principles of press freedom and the important role journalists play in keeping democracy alive around the world. There have been both improvements and problems with the media in … Continue reading