Filed under Politic

Anticipation Builds as Sabah Gears Up for State Elections – Predicting the Future Amid Economic Focus”

Anticipation Builds as Sabah Gears Up for State Elections – Predicting the Future Amid Economic Focus”

By- Dino Gombak As Sabah prepares for the upcoming state elections, the political landscape is abuzz with expectations and speculations. With a keen focus on economic development, the elections are set to play a pivotal role in determining the direction of Sabah’s future. This article delves into the potential outcomes, key players, and critical issues … Continue reading

Perikatan Nasional – A Bastion of Checks and Balances in Malaysia’s Political Landscape

Perikatan Nasional – A Bastion of Checks and Balances in Malaysia’s Political Landscape

By-Dino Gombak In the dynamic realm of Malaysian politics, the emergence of the opposition coalition Perikatan Nasional (PN) has marked a pivotal moment, profoundly impacting the nation’s democratic trajectory. This alliance, forged amidst the tumultuous political shifts of 2020, has blossomed into a formidable force, transcending traditional party lines and establishing itself as a bastion … Continue reading

Tinjauan Politik mengenai Datuk Seri Panglima Mohd Shafie Apdal

Tinjauan Politik mengenai Datuk Seri Panglima Mohd Shafie Apdal

By – Dino Gombak Datuk Seri Panglima Mohd Shafie bin Apdal adalah seorang ahli politik Malaysia yang terkemuka dengan kerjaya yang panjang dan beraneka ragam dalam politik persekutuan dan negeri, terutamanya di Sabah. Perjalanannya melalui landskap politik Malaysia telah ditandai oleh beberapa tonggak penting, termasuk perkhidmatannya sebagai Ketua Menteri Sabah dari 2018 hingga 2020. Dalam … Continue reading